Applied Statistics and Data Science Group (ASDa)

Do you have data you don't know how to handle, or a methods section of a grant proposal that is causing you headaches? Do you want to hire a student for a semester or work with a consultant or collaborate with a statistics researcher?  Does your group need some data science training? Members of the Statistics Department can work with you in a variety of ways.  

Applied Statistics and Data Science Group

The main source of support is the Applied Statistics and Data Science Group (ASDa). ASDa's professional statistical consultants and scientific programmers can help you with all of your data analytics needs. ASDa is fee-based, after an initial discussion to clarify your needs.

By applying best practices and capitalizing on ASDA staff's working relationships with leading data science researchers, ASDa can

  • collaborate on study design and determine appropriate analytic methodology for grant proposals and project planning;
  • manage, clean and wrangle data to a form that is ready for analysis;
  • provide analytics through data visualization, exploration, modelling and interpretation;
  • develop user friendly, interactive software tools;
  • boost capacity and fill specific gaps in client’s skill sets; and
  • provide training through flexible, hands-on workshops on software and methodology.

Email ASDa or fill out ASDa's online contact form.

Other Department Sources of Support

Other sources of support are listed below. You can contact them directly; or, if you would like some advice and direction about the best source of support, please contact ASDa.

STCS (fee-based) The Short Term Consulting Service is run entirely by the graduate students of the Department of Statistics who have completed the course STAT 550, Techniques of Statistical Consulting. The aim of this service is to offer professional statistical assistance on short term (less than 15 hours).

SOS (first hour free) The Statistical Opportunity for Students (SOS) program is designed to help graduate students formulate and understand the statistical issues involved in their research projects. The program is open to all UBC graduate students and is offered by ASDa. The SOS program is made possible through funding support from the Office of the Provost and Vice President, Research and International. Directions for submitting a request can be found on the SOS information page.

STAT 450/550 (no charge) Statistics undergraduate and graduate students taking this case studies capstone course will analyze your data, provide a report, and present it in an end-of-semester poster session. The course is offered in the 2nd term of each year (January through April). For information on this opportunity, see the Project Solicitation Announcement to see if your project will be suitable for Stat 450/550, and the sample project description for a better idea of the desired form for your project description. Email ASDa staff re: contributing a project to 450/550.

STAT 551 (no charge) Statistics graduate students taking this consulting practicum course offer free statistical advice. The course is offered in the fall semester of every academic year (September through December). For information on this opportunity see the Project Solicitation Announcement to see if your project will be suitable for STAT 551, and the sample project description for a better idea of the desired form for your project description. Email ASDa staff re: contributing a project to 551.

Hiring an undergraduate or graduate student through Co-op. You can hire a student via the Statistics Co-op Programcontact Dr Javed Iqbal of the Science Co-op Office. 

Hiring an undergraduate or graduate student directly. You can hire a student by contacting ASDa or by emailing a job ad to the Statistics office staff.


ASDa partners with UBC ECOSCOPE to offer R workshops on a regular basis during the academic year. For information on R workshops and other ECOSCOPE workshops, please see the ECOSCOPE event page.