Events List
Finding the Best Player via Multi-Player Comparisons
-Speaker: Speaker: Sheldon Mark Ross, Daniel J. Epstein Chair and Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Extreme Value Modelling with Application to Reverse Stress Testing
-Speaker: Speaker: Menglin Zhou, UBC Statistics PhD student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Modelling orbits to detect exoplanets
-Speaker: Speaker: William Thompson, Herzberg Instrument Science Fellow, National Research Council of Canada, Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Statistics Canada Info Session
-Speaker: Speaker: McKeowen Watts, Methodologist Quality Secretariat – Economic Statistics Methods Division Statistics Canada
Event type: Info Session
Location: P.A. Woodward Instructional Resources Centre (IRC) - 1
Dependence modelling in high dimensions with latent variables
-Speaker: Speaker: Xinyao Fan, UBC Statistics PhD student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
MSc students' Co-op Presentations
-Speaker: Speaker: Clayton Allard, UBC Statistics MSc student; Xiao (Nicole) Hu, UBC Statistics MSc student; Yicheng Wang, UBC Statistics MSc student; Yixin Zhang, UBC Statistics MSc student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
EDI Seminar Series: Dr. Gunilla Öberg
-Speaker: Speaker: Dr. Gunilla Öberg, Professor, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, UBC
Event type: Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Bayesian Inference for Big Data
-Speaker: Speaker: Trevor Campbell, UBC Statistics Associate Professor
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 1012 / Zoom
van Eeden seminar: Ethical AI is More than Loss Functions
-Speaker: Speaker: van Eeden Invited Speaker: Dr. Sherri Rose, Professor, Stanford University
Event type: Seminar
Location: Online or ESB 5104 at the University of British Columbia
Dependence models for mortalities using a copula state-space approach
-Speaker: Speaker: Ariane Hanebeck, PhD Student, Technical University of Munich
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Probabilistic topic models for single-cell genomics
-Speaker: Speaker: Yichen Zhang, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Opportunities in the Actuarial Profession
-Speaker: Speaker: Ben Marshall, Regional Director, Americas, Society of Actuaries
Event type: Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Margin-closed multivariate autoregressive time series models
-Speaker: Speaker: Lin Zhang, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Speeding up Metropolis using Theorems
-Speaker: Speaker: Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, Professor, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 5104 / Zoom
Uncertainty Quantification for Structure Learning and Interpretable Machine Learning
-Speaker: Speaker: Lili Zheng, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Probabilistic methods for designing functional protein structures
-Speaker: Speaker: Brian L. Trippe, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Statistics, Columbia University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Toward large-scale Bayesian inference with structured generative models
-Speaker: Speaker: Ricardo Baptista, von Karman Instructor, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Advancing Biomedical Data Science: Leveraging ChatGPT for genomics data & Testing data-driven hypothesis post-clustering
-Speaker: Speaker: Yiqun T. Chen, Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Identifiable and interpretable nonparametric factor analysis
-Speaker: Speaker: Maoran Xu, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom
Learning-Rate-Free Methods for Scalable Bayesian Inference
-Speaker: Speaker: Louis Sharrock, Senior Research Associate in Statistical Machine Learning, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom