Events List

Opportunities in the Actuarial Profession

Speaker: Speaker: Ben Marshall, Staff Fellow, Canadian Membership, Society of Actuaries
Event type: Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) / University of British Columbia (UBC) actuarial event

Event type: Student Event
Location: FSC 1001 / ESB Atrium

EDI Seminar Series: Dr. Evelyn Asiedu

Speaker: Speaker: Dr. Evelyn Asiedu, EDI Data Analysis, Data Management and Policy Analysis Postdoctoral Fellow at Thompson Rivers University
Event type: Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

Stabilized COre gene and Pathway Election uncovers pan-cancer shared pathways and a cancer specific driver

Speaker: Speaker: Qingrun Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

Understanding tumor heterogeneity through single-cell data

Speaker: Speaker: Pedro Falé Ferreira, PhD student at Niko Beerenwinkel’s group, ETH Zürich
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

False Discovery Rate Estimation for High-dimensional Regression Models

Speaker: Speaker: Ming Yuan, UBC Statistics MSc student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

Estimating Global and Country-Specific Excess Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Speaker: Speaker: Jon Wakefield, Professor of Statistics and Biostatistics, University of Washington
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

EDI Seminar Series: Dr. Shandin Pete

Speaker: Speaker: Shandin Pete, Assistant Professor of Teaching, UBC Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science
Event type: Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

MDS Vancouver Alumni Virtual Information Session

Event type: Workshop
Location: Online

Causal epistemology: estimands

Speaker: Speaker: Boris Sobolev, Professor and Head, UBC School of Population and Public Health
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

CANSSI Data Science ARES: Daniel J. McDonald

Speaker: Speaker: Daniel McDonald, Associate Professor, UBC Department of Statistics
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom (to register, see CANSSI website) or Maple Room, University of Toronto

EDI Seminar Series: Dr. Emma Benn

Speaker: Speaker: Emma Benn, Associate Professor, Center for Biostatistics and Dept. of Population Health Science and Policy, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Event type: Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

Robust Statistical Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks

Speaker: Speaker: Yuan Yao, Professor of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

CANCELLED: Computationally Efficient Bootstrap Sampling Using Markov Chains

Speaker: Speaker: Giorgio (Gio) Sgarbi, UBC Statistics MSc Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

Penalized Casebase in Survival Analysis

Speaker: Speaker: Trevor Kwan, UBC Statistics MSc Student
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

A Data-Driven Ensemble Framework for Modeling High-Dimensional Data: Theory, Methods, Algorithms and Applications

Speaker: Speaker: Anthony-Alexander Christidis, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Boosting for regression problems with complex data

Speaker: Speaker: Jasmine Xiaomeng Ju, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Vine copula mixture models and clustering for non-Gaussian data

Speaker: Speaker: Özge Sahin, PhD Student, Technical University of Munich
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Forming realistic population distributions for flood frequency assessments

Speaker: Speaker: Vincenzo Coia, Assistant Professor of Teaching, UBC Department of Statistics
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments: Large Datasets and Multi-Model Ensembles

Speaker: Speaker: Sonja Isberg Surjanovic, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom