I'm interested being a Major in Statistics but am currently in a different specialization. How can I apply to transfer to or add Statistics as a major?
We assume that you are in year 2 or later. After you have completed
After you have completed DSCI 100 (Introduction to Data Science), STAT 200 (Introductory Statistics), MATH 200 (Multivariable Calculus), MATH 221 (Linear Algebra), and MATH/STAT 302 (Introductory Probability) [or their equivalents] with decent grades, you can apply via the online form.
Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your application. Applications will be considered in January and in May each year by the reviewing of overall profiles and grades in relevant Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics courses.
The application deadlines are mid-January and mid-May. Entry to the Statistics major is competitive. For any further inquiries such as Major in Mathematical Sciences, please contact an advisor at late major entrants at stat dot ubc dot ca.