R has a command-line editor which allows us to retrieve and edit commands we entered before. We also can install a command-line editor in Splus.
If you use Bourne, Korn, Bash or Z-Shell, type the following lines into your .bashrc file which is in your home directory:
export EDITOR="/usr/local/bin/vim" export S_CLEDITOR="/usr/local/bin/vim" export VISUAL="/usr/local/bin/vim"
If you use C-Shell or TC-Shell, then type the following lines into your .cshrc file which is in your home directory:
setenv EDITOR "/usr/local/bin/vim" setenv S_CLEDITOR "/usr/local/bin/vim" setenv VISUAL "/usr/local/bin/vim"
If you want to use emacs instead of vi, then simply replace the vim with emacs.
in your home directory, type command
source .bashrc
source .cshrc
Splus -e
to invoke editor when you enter into Splus session.
The most useful editing commands are summarized in the following table:
COMMAND emacs vi backward character Ctrl-B Esc, h forward character Ctrl-F Esc, l previous line Ctrl-P Esc, k next line Ctrl-N Esc, j beginning of line Ctrl-A Esc, ^ (Shift-6) end of line Ctrl-E Esc, $ (Shift-4) forward word Esc, f Esc, w backward word Esc, b Esc, b kill char Ctrl-D Esc, x kill line Ctrl-K Esc, Shift-d delete word Esc, d Esc, dw search backward Ctrl-R Esc, ? yank Ctrl-Y Esc, Shift-y transpose chars Ctrl-T Esc, xp
You can type Splus command
to get the above table.
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