CANSSI National Seminar Series: Fall lineup & journal club

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Beginning in September, the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) will be hosting a series of monthly virtual seminars, to be broadcast live on the fourth Thursday of the month. The series will span from September to April. Each speaker will provide a read-ahead journal article, with CANSSI encouraging graduate-student journal clubs.

This fall, the theme is hidden Markov models.

The fall line-up

Mark your calendars for this fall’s three upcoming speakers!

Seminars will take place from 10:00am–11:15am PST.

Following each seminar, students are invited to chat with the speaker from 11:30am–12:30pm PST.

The dates and speakers will be:

  • Thursday, September 24: Ruth King, Thomas Bayes’ Chair of Statistics at the University of Edinburgh, is an expert on Bayesian inference and the application of hidden Markov models to problems in ecology and healthcare. 
  • Thursday, October 22: Christopher Jackson, Senior Investigator Statistician at the MRC Biostatistics Unit at the University of Cambridge, develops statistical methods for health care policy and is the author of several widely applied R packages including msm and flexsurv.
  • Thursday, November 26: Maciej Augustyniak, Associate Professor at the Université de Montreal, is an expert in the areas of mathematical finance, econometrics, and computational statistics.

Journal club

Before each seminar, the speaker will share a relevant journal article for suggested reading. The paper will be available at least two weeks ahead of the talk on the talk’s page, found via the CANSSI National Seminar Series page.  

CANSSI is encouraging graduate students to form journal clubs to discuss these papers and is offering an opportunity for journal-club funding. See the CANSSI National Seminar Series page for more details.

More information

More information on the seminar series, including talk abstracts and registration details, is on the CANSSI National Seminar Series page.

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