The UBC Statistics Department offers free statistical analysis, via STAT 450/550, accepting projects for term 2 2017-18 from Nov 9 - Jan 20.
As part of our ongoing efforts to bring current research into the classroom and promote interdisciplinary collaborations, the students enrolled in STAT 450 (Case Studies in Statistics) will provide free statistical analyses in Term 2 of each academic year. In addition, a group of graduate students enrolled in STAT 550 (Techniques of Statistical Consulting) will mentor and supervise a group of STAT 450 students. The students will be carrying out this academic activity under the co-supervision of Gabriela Cohen Freue (instructor of STAT 450 and STAT 550) or Ed Kroc (co-instructor of STAT 450). The data will be treated with confidentiality within the courses.
To give the students the opportunity to practice and enhance their communication skills, we require a representative of your project to meet with the STAT 450/550 students either in person or via distance methods like Skype. If you are a student, your supervisor needs to provide written approval of your participation and data sharing with STAT 450/550.
Research projects from all UBC and non-UBC units and all levels of researchers (but particularly UBC undergraduate and graduate students), with already collected data are welcome for submission (due date January 20th, 2018).
If you are interested in participating, please send a one-page project description to gcohen@stat.ubc.ca