Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) play a vital role in our department. Every year since 2011, we have recognized the excellent work of our GTAs through the Department of Statistics’ Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Award.
This year, Jonathan Agyeman is the recipient of the Department’s GTA Award. Jonathan has been contributing to the Department's teaching mission since he joined the graduate program in 2015. He quickly distinguished himself as a professional and conscientious TA whom instructors could rely upon and has provided immense support to hundreds of students in STAT 200 and STAT 302 over the years. Since 2016, Jonathan has demonstrated exceptional leadership as the Head TA for STAT 200, coordinating and providing guidance for large teams of TAs and ensuring that instructors and students are adequately supported. His passion for teaching and mentoring shines through in his work as a TA trainer, where he strives to support and empower new TAs. In addition, Jonathan is currently involved in a project that aims to address issues of learning and retention in upper-level Statistics courses, and he is also contributing to the creation of WeBWork resources within the Department.
Jonathan demonstrates the highest level of professionalism and enthusiasm in all of his activities, and his passion for teaching and commitment to community-building is clear. Thank you, Jonathan, for your hard work and dedication, and congratulations on this well-deserved award!
The financial component of this award is supported by the donor-funded Statistics Fund for Excellence (https://support.ubc.ca/projects/statistics-fund-excellence/).
To see previous GTA Award winners, see: /statistics-graduate-teaching-assistant-award.