New course: STAT 300: Intermediate Statistics for Applications

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The Department of Statistics would like to draw your attention to STAT 300, a course offered in its revised form for the first time last year. The course aims to be a general second course in Statistics, accessible to any student who has taken a traditional introductory course in the subject (such as STAT 200, BIOL 300, COMM 291, POLI 380). The course is suitable both for Statistics majors and for those majoring in other subjects. Indeed, about half of the students enrolled in fall 2012-2013 were not Statistics majors.

After reviewing and reinforcing introductory ideas, STAT 300 progresses to material that naturally follows from a first course (such as goodness-of-fit, nonparametric methods, multiple regression, aspects of experimental design, and elementary time series analysis) as well as some modern computationally intensive methods (permutation tests and the bootstrap). Instruction is via interactive group-based activities, and the focus is on appreciating the statistical concepts and applying the statistical methods, rather than on learning the underlying mathematics. Students learn how to implement all methods encountered in the statistical software R.

Students are encouraged to register early, so that we can make sure we provide sufficient computer lab space. Should you or any of your students have any questions about this course, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Bruce Dunham at
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