Professor Jim Zidek awarded the 2019 David Rees Distinguished Visiting Fellowship

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Professor Jim Zidek has been awarded the 2019 David Rees Distinguished Visiting Fellowship that enables mathematical scientists to visit the University of Exeter. The announcement for the Award states that “during the period of their visit at the University, David Rees Fellows will:

  • present a public lecture in the University’s Inspiring Science Series
  • present specialist lectures or seminars on a topic aligned to their research interests
  • be engaged in research with members of the staff from the mathematics discipline.”

In particular, Jim will continue his work with Professor Gavin Shaddick on the assessment of Global air pollution and its disease burden.


David Rees (1918-2013) was Professor of Mathematics and former Head of Department at the University of Exeter. He had a long and distinguished research career in semigroup theory and commutative algebra. During the Second World War he was active undertaking Enigma research at Bletchley Park; after this he reached the highest international levels of mathematical research, being appointed Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) and of the Institute of Mathematics and Applications (FIMA). He was awarded the Pólya Prize of the London Mathematical Society in 1993.

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