Statistical Society of Canada Awards Recipients - Jiahua Chen & John Petkau

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Gold Medal:
Professor Jiahua Chen (University of British Columbia)

 The Gold Medal is awarded to a person who has made outstanding contributions to statistics, or to probability, either to mathematical developments or in applied work.

The citation for the award reads:

 “To Jiahua Chen, for fundamental contributions to the theory of statistics, particularly in the design of experiments, sampling theory, empirical likelihood, finite mixture models, and statistical genetics; for service to the statistical profession through editorial work and leadership in statistical societies; and for his role as mentor and advisor to many students and colleagues.”


Award for Impact of Applied and Collaborative Work:
John Petkau (University of British Columbia)

The award recognizes outstanding contributions by members of the SSC in collaborative research and applied work, the importance of which derives primarily from its relatively recent impact on a subject area outside of the statistical sciences, on an area of application, or on an organization.

The citation for the award reads:

 “To John Petkau, for contributions to the development, implementation and dissemination of statistical methodology related to the health sciences; for helping to bring a deeper understanding of the health effects of pollution and, through his work on design and analysis, an insight into the disease course of Multiple Sclerosis and the effectiveness of various treatments for this debilitating disease; for inspiring decades of statistics students to collaborate effectively with researchers to answer important subject-area questions.”


Congratulations John and Jiahua!

More details concerning these awards and the recipients can be found on the SSC website at

Date posted