Statistics Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Every year, the Department of Statistics recognizes the contributions that our graduate students make to teaching. We are happy to honour students with the Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, with the associated financial award provided through the Statistics Fund for Excellence.

This award is usually announced in January to April Year+1.


Recipient's Name Year Sort ascending Recipient's Category Program News Item
Zuheng (David) Xu 2022 Graduate PhD Congratulations to 2022 GTA Award Winner, Zuheng (David) Xu!
Jonathan Agyeman 2021 Graduate PhD Congratulations to 2021 GTA Award winners, Jonathan Agyeman and Kenny Chiu!
Kenny Chiu 2021 Graduate PhD Congratulations to 2021 GTA Award winners, Jonathan Agyeman and Kenny Chiu!
Anthony-Alexander Christidis 2020 Graduate PhD Announcing our three Statistics Graduate Teaching Assistant Award winners
Gian Carlo Di-Luvi 2020 Graduate MSc Announcing our three Statistics Graduate Teaching Assistant Award winners
Archer Zhang 2020 Graduate PhD Announcing our three Statistics Graduate Teaching Assistant Award winners
Sonja Isberg 2019 Graduate Sonja Isberg receives department's Graduate Teaching Assistant Award and UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Jonathan Agyeman 2018 Graduate Jonathan Agyeman wins the 2018 GTA Award
David Kepplinger 2017 Graduate Congratulations to 2017 GTA Award winner, David Kepplinger!
Corinne Riddell 2010 Graduate MSc
Kevin Ushey 2010 Graduate MSc
Ehsan Karim 2011 Graduate
Camila Casquilho Resende 2012 Graduate
Vincent Zhai 2012 Graduate
Andy Leung 2013 Graduate Yumi Kondo and Andy Leung awarded Statistics Dept. Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards
Yumi Kondo 2013 Graduate Yumi Kondo and Andy Leung awarded Statistics Dept. Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards
Yang (Seagle) Liu 2014 Graduate Yang (Seagle) Liu awarded Statistics Dept. Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
David Lee 2015 Graduate Congratulations to 2015 GTA Award Winner, David Lee!
Eric Fu 2016 Graduate Eric Fu Wins Department's GTA Award