2013 Stanley W. Nash Medal Recipient- Jonathan Zhang

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Jonathan Zhang is the recipient of the 2014 Stanley W. Nash Medal in Statistics. The award is given annually to a student who has achieved excellence in UBC’s undergraduate Statistics program.   Jonathan is graduating this year with a double major in statistics and economics.  His transcript is exemplary - both in terms of grades and courses taken.  He has excelled not only in his undergraduate courses, but also in graduate level courses in Statistics and Economics.   Jonathan has spent two summers in the department as an Undergraduate Student Research Assistant, in 2012 working with Alex Bouchard and in 2013 working with Nancy Heckman.
In the fall, Jonathan will enter the PhD program in Economics at Stanford University.  We wish him success, and trust that he will find his statistics training valuable in his chosen path. 
The Nash award was established in 1994 to recognize the great service to statistics given by Professor Stanley Nash in over forty years at UBC.  The award is supported by the Statistics Fund for Excellence. To read more about Professor Nash and to see the list of previous recipients of this award, please see /Department/Nash.php
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