Technical Reports Archive

Report Year Description Report file
153 1995 Paul van der Laan, Constance van Eeden: "On using a loss function in selecting the best of two gamma populations in terms of their scale parameters.", August, 1995. 
152 1995 Bent Jorgensen: "Dispersion models: extending the scope of generalized linear models.", August, 1995. 
151 1995 Peter Bajorski, John Petkau: "On the efficiency of non-parametric tests for comparing two groups based on changes in an ordered categorical response variable.", August, 1995. 
150 1995 Bent Jorgensen, Soren Lundbye-Christensen, Xue-Kun Song, Li Sun: "State space models for multivariate longitudinal data of mixed types.", August, 1995. 
149 1995 Paul Gustafson: "Model influence functions based on mixtures.", August, 1995. 
148 1995 Bent Jorgensen, Soren Lundbye-Christensen, Xue-Kun Song, Li Sun: "A state space model for multivariate longitudinal count data.", April, 1995. 
147 1995 Weimin Sun: "Comparison of a CoKriging method with a Bayesian alternative.", March, 1995. 
146 1995 Weimin Sun, Nhu D. Le, James V. Zidek, Rick Burnett: "Bayesian multivariate spatial interpolation: application and assessment.pdf.", March, 1995. (.pdf) 
145 1995 Bent Jorgensen, Jose Raul Martinez: "The Levy-Khinchine representation of the Tweedie family.", January, 1995. 
144 1994 Paul Gustafson: "Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of clustered survival data.", November, 1994. 
143 1994 Paul Gustafson: "Local sensitivity of inferences to prior components.", November, 1994. 
142 1994 Constance van Eeden: "Minimax estimation of a lowerbounded scale parameter of a gamma distribution for scale-invariant squared error loss.", June, 1994. 
141 1994 Sorana Froda, Constance van Eeden: "Exact saddlepoint and Edgeworth expansions for the null-distribution of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistics.", May, 1994. 
140 1994 Bent Jorgensen, R. Labouriau, Soren Lundbye-Christensen: "Linear growth curve analysis based on exponential dispersion models.", March, 1994. 
139 1994 Bertrand Clarke: "Implications of reference priors for prior information and for sample size.", February, 1994. 
138 1993 Ian McKay: "Bias reduction in variable kernel density estimates.", December 1993. 
137 1993 Piotr Bajorski: "On the intermediate efficiency and deficiency of goodness of fit tests based on functionals of the empirical process.", November, 1993. 
136 1993 Li Sun: "Empirical Bayes estimation of two-way multivariate normal means and Stein effect.", November, 1993. 
135 1993 Nhu D. Le, Weimin Sun, James V. Zidek: "Bayesian multivariate spatial interpolation with systematically missing data.", November, 1993. 
134 1993 Feifang Hu, James V. Zidek: "A relevance weighted nonparametric quantile estimator.", November, 1993. (in pdf)