Technical Reports Archive

Report Year Description Report file
133 1993 Bent Jorgensen, Jose Raul Martinez: "Tauber theory for infinitely divisible variance functions.", October, 1993. 
132 1993 Nancy Heckman, John Rice: "Line transects of two dimensional random fields: estimation and design.", October, 1993. 
131 1993 Piotr Bajorski: "On some one-sided tests in the two-sample problem.", September, 1993. 
130 1993 Bent Jorgensen: "The rules of conditional inference: Is there a universal definition of nonformation?", July, 1993. 
129 1993 Jean Meloche: "Tactical aspects of search and rescue operations.", June, 1993. 
128 1993 Jianqing Fan, N.E. Heckman, M.P. Wand: "Local polynomial kernel regression for generalized linear models and quasi- likelihood functions.", June, 1993. 
127 1993 Paul van der Laan, C. van Eeden: "Subset selection goal based on a loss function.", May, 1993. 
126 1993 Feifang Hu, J.V. Zidek: "An approach to bootstrapping through estimating equations.", April, 1993. 
125 1993 R. Fraiman & J. Meloche: "Smoothing dependent observations", April/93. 
124 1993 B. Clarke & Dong Chu Sun: "Reference priors under the Chi-square distance", Mar./93. 
123 1993 N.D. Le, A.E. Raftery & R.D. Martin: "Robust model comparison for autoregressive processes with robust Bayes factors", Feb./93. 
122 1993 Li Sun: "James-Stein, Modal and Bayes Estimators", Feb./93. 
121 1993 P.J. Brown, N.D. Le & J.V. Zidek: "Inference for a covariance matrix", Jan./93. 
120 1993 C. van Eeden & J.V. Zidek: "Group-Bayes estimation of the exponential mean: A preposterior Analysis", Jan./93. 
119 1992 C. van Eeden & J.V. Zidek: "Group Bayes estimation of the exponential mean: a retrospective view of the Wald theory", Aug./92. 
118 1992 N.D. Le & J.V. Zidek: "Network designs for monitoring multivariate random spatial fields", Aug./92. 
117 1992 P.J. Brown, N.D. Le & J.V. Zidek: "Multivariate Spatial Interpolation with Kronecker Covariance Structures", Apr/92. 
116 1992 P. Guttorp, N.D. Le, P.D. Sampson & J.V. Zidek: "Using Entropy in the Redesign of an Environmental Monitoring Network", Apr/92. 
115 1992 J. Meloche & R.H. Zamar: "Black and White Image Restoration", Feb/92. 
114 1992 A. Charras & C. van Eeden: "Inadmissibility for Squared Error Loss When the Parameter to be Estimated is Restricted to the Interval [a, °)*", Feb/92.