Undergraduate Co-op Program

The Statistics Co-operative Education Program provides students with a valuable mix of academic course work and workplace experience. This optional year-round program is available for undergraduate students in Statistics. The Program prepares interested and qualified students for careers in Statistics and related areas with 16 months of work placement supervised by practising professionals. Faculty advisers also visit students at their place of work and provide advice on technical reports required of all students in the Program. Co-op students have worked in a range of organizations, in such areas as finance, data science, medical research, and surveys.

To be eligible, students must be admitted to the second year of the Statistics BSc program and should apply through the Science Co-op Office during the second term of their second year. Selection of students is based on academic performance and general suitability to the work environment as determined by a résumé and an interview. The total enrollment will be subject to the availability of appropriate work placements and faculty advisers.

There is not a citizenship status requirement, and international students are eligible.

For further information or to apply to the Statistics Undergraduate Co-operative Education Program, please contact the Science Co-op office.

Are you an employer interested in hiring an undergraduate Statistics Co-op student? If so, please read about how to hire.