Award Descriptions

Statistics Department membersstudents, faculty and staffreceive a variety of awards in recognition of research, teaching and service. These awards are garnered internationally, from UBC and from the Department. Find out more by searching our awards database.

Student awards

Through awards funded by directed donations, by endowments and by the Statistics Fund for Excellence, the Department honours and encourages outstanding Statistics undergraduate and graduate students. 

Awards funded by the Statistics Fund for Excellence:

  • The annual Nash Medal is given to the most outstanding graduating undergraduate Statistics student. The Medal was established in 1994 in recognition of Professor Stanley Nash (1915-2001) and his 40-year UBC career. Since 1994, 20 students have received the Nash Medal.
  • The annual Marshall Prize is given to an outstanding  graduate Statistics student. The prize, established in 1994, honours Professor Albert Marshall for his seminal work in the theory of statistical reliability and his contributions to statistics at UBC. Since 1994, 20 students have received the Marshall Prize.
  • A Graduate Teaching Award has been given annually since 2011. Recipient(s) are also nominated for the Faculty of Science Killam Graduate Teaching Award. Teaching assistants play an important role in the Department, and we are pleased to honour them.

The Rick White Award, established in 2017, honours students who demonstrate excellence in statistical science via contributions to domain area research. It is funded by the Statistics Department and the Rick White Memorial Fund.

Other donor-funded awards are: