Events List

Iterated Block Particle Filter for High-dimensional Parameter Learning: Beating the Curse of Dimensionality

Speaker: Speaker: Ning Ning (Patricia), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

CANCELLED: Instance-dependent Reinforcement Learning: A statistical viewpoint

Speaker: Speaker: Koulik Khamaru, PhD student, Department of Statistics, University of California Berkeley
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

CANSSI Saskatchewan HSCC Webinar Series January-April 2022: Jiahua Chen

Speaker: Speaker: Jiahua Chen, UBC Statistics Professor
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom (to register, see CANSSI website)

CANCELLED: Non-reversible parallel tempering on optimized paths

Speaker: Speaker: Saif Syed, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Statistical Learning and Matching Markets

Speaker: Speaker: Xiaowu Dai, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Economics and EECS, University of California Berkeley
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Observational Data with a Continuous Exposure: Study Design and Data Analysis

Speaker: Speaker: Bo Zhang, PhD student, Department of Statistics and Data Science, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Inference

Speaker: Speaker: Nikolaos Ignatiadis, PhD Student, Department of Statistics, Stanford University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

The folded concave Laplacian spectral penalty learns block diagonal sparsity patterns with the strong oracle property

Speaker: Speaker: Iain Carmichael, Postdoctoral Researcher, Harvard Medical School
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Valid Inference After Hierarchical Clustering

Speaker: Speaker: Lucy Gao, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

A simple measure of conditional dependence

Speaker: Speaker: Mona Azadkia, Postdoctoral Researcher, Seminar for Statistics, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Some probability “paradoxes” to warm up your winter

Speaker: Speaker: Mark Holmes, UBC Mathematics Visiting Professor; Professor of Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Semiparametric inference under a density ratio model

Speaker: Speaker: Archer Gong Zhang, UBC Statistics PhD student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Model Projections in Model Space (MPMS): A geometric interpretation of the AIC and estimating the distance between the generating process and the best approximating model

Speaker: Speaker: José Miguel Ponciano, Department of Biology, University of Florida
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Kriging Performance Without Kriging Complexity

Speaker: Speaker: Donald R. Jones, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

CANSSI Ontario / U of T Statistical Sciences ARES Seminar: Tiffany Timbers

Speaker: Speaker: Tiffany Timbers, UBC Statistics Assistant Professor of Teaching / Co-Director, UBC Master of Data Science Program (Vancouver option)
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom (to register, see CANSSI website)

Optimal Transportation in the Inference of Finite Mixture Models

Speaker: Speaker: Qiong Zhang, UBC Statistics PhD student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

Data Journalism and the Pandemic: Observations from 19 months of Charts

Speaker: Speaker: Justin McElroy, Municipal Affairs Reporter, CBC Vancouver
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Computational methods for genomics data analysis: Cancer detection using circulating tumor DNA and miRNA expression inference in single cells

Speaker: Speaker: Jakob Skou Pedersen, UBC Statistics Visiting Professor
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

COVID-19 Modelling and Forecasting in the US and Canada: A statistician’s pro(retro)spective

Speaker: Speaker: Daniel J. McDonald, UBC Statistics Associate Professor
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom / ESB 4192

Navigating challenging EDI conversations: Tips and tricks for allies

Event type: Workshop
Location: Zoom