Events List

Department Faculty Flash Talks

Event type: Social
Location: ESB 4192 / Zoom

Two UBC Statistics MSc student presentations (Kevin Chern & Matteo Lepur)

Speaker: Speaker: Kevin Chern, UBC Statistics MSc student; Matteo Lepur, UBC Statistics MSc student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

Improved conditional generative adversarial networks for image generation: methods and their application in knowledge distillation

Speaker: Speaker: Xin Ding, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

Two UBC Statistics MSc student presentations (Gian Carlo Di-Luvi & Kenny Chiu)

Speaker: Speaker: Gian Carlo Di-Luvi, UBC Statistics MSc student; Kenny Chiu, UBC Statistics MSc student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

The augmented maximum likelihood estimation, and testing for homogeneity under finite vector-parameter mixture models

Speaker: Speaker: Julian (Ho Yin) Ho, UBC Statistics PhD Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

The Neutral-to-the-Left Mixture Model

Speaker: Speaker: Sean La, UBC Statistics MSc Student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

Two UBC Statistics MSc student presentations

Speaker: Speaker: Sherry Gao, UBC Statistics MSc student; Ian Murphy, UBC Statistics MSc student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

Movement data reveal dynamic social relationships

Speaker: Speaker: Henry Scharf, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, San Diego State University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Joint colloquium with the University of British Columbia and the University of Washington

Speaker: Speaker: Trevor Campbell, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, UBC; Alex Luedtke, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, UW
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

Two UBC Statistics MSc student presentations

Speaker: Speaker: Lulu Pei, UBC Statistics MSc student; Lily Xia, UBC Statistics MSc student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

Two UBC Statistics MSc Co-op student presentations

Speaker: Speaker: Jingyiran Li, UBC Statistics MSc Co-op student; Harper Cheng, UBC Statistics MSc Co-op student
Event type: Graduate Student Seminar
Location: Zoom

van Eeden seminar: How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural network

Speaker: Speaker: van Eeden Invited Speaker Geoffrey Hinton, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science Department, University of Toronto
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom (registration required)

Vintage Factor Analysis with Varimax Performs Statistical Inference

Speaker: Speaker: Karl Rohe, Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom

CANSSI National Seminar Series: April speaker, Grace Yi

Speaker: Speaker: Grace Yi, Tier I Canada Research Chair in Data Science and Professor of the Department Statistical and Actuarial Sciences and the Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: via Zoom (to register, see the CANSSI website)

CANSSI National Seminar Series: March speaker, Fabrizia Mealli

Speaker: Speaker: Fabrizia Mealli, Professor of Statistics, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: via Zoom (to register, see CANSSI website)

CANSSI National Seminar Series: February speaker, Dylan Small

Speaker: Speaker: Dylan Small, Class of 1965 Wharton Professor of Statistics, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: via Zoom (to register, see CANSSI website)

CANSSI National Seminar Series—January speaker, Linbo Wang

Speaker: Speaker: Linbo Wang, Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: via Zoom (to register, see the CANSSI website)

Addressing Open Challenges in Data Science Education

Speaker: Speaker: Stephanie Hicks, Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom*

The CHIME Telescope and the Search for Fast Radio Bursts

Speaker: Speaker: Davor Cubranic, Software Developer, UBC Department of Physics & Astronomy
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom*

Bayesian sparse regression for large-scale observational healthcare analytics

Speaker: Speaker: Akihiko (Aki) Nishimura, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University
Event type: Statistics Seminar
Location: Zoom*