Graduate Teaching Assistants play an important role in the department. Every year since 2011, we have recognized GTA excellence via the Statistics Department's Graduate Teaching Award.
David Lee is this year’s recipient of the award. David has performed his duties with enthusiasm and expertise, contributing to our excellent undergraduate learning environment. David has contributed to the department’s use of active learning in the classroom through his work in STAT 300 and 305. In addition, he has played a large role in course development, via his involvement in the revamping of STAT 447. He has shown himself to be an excellent team player in many ways. For instance, he was part of a group of GTAs who wrote STAT 200 practice exams packs. This is particularly noteworthy, because David has not been a TA for STAT 200.
This year, like every year, the Adjudication Committee was impressed by David and ALL of the GTAs nominated for the award. The choice was not easy. The department is fortunate to have many dedicated and excellent GTAs.
The financial component of this award is supported by the donor-funded Statistics Fund for Excellence.
To see a list of previous award winners, visit here.