Statistics Imagine Day 2013
September 3rd, 2013
Earth Sciences Building Room 2012
***all students are welcome***
Earth Sciences Building Room 2012
***all students are welcome***

Trevor Hastie will give a PIMS Public Lecture on September 19 at 4pm
For information on this event, please see:

Statistics Undergraduate Newsletter
The Department launches the first newsletter, to provide undergraduates with information about Department activities and various deadlines. We anticipate having issues of the newsletter published twice a semester. For comments and suggested content, please email ugradnewsletter at stat dot ubc dot ca.
To have links within the pdf active, please click and open in adobe acrobat or preview or download.
To have links within the pdf active, please click and open in adobe acrobat or preview or download.

Yumi Kondo and Andy Leung awarded Statistics Dept. Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards
Andy Leung and Yumi Kondo have been awarded Statistics Department Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards. Both have contributed in many important ways to the teaching mission of the Department, through their direct work in courses and also through TA training and mentoring. And I understand that Andy plays a large part in graduate education - keeping graduate students well-informed re computing skills.

Stat 450 and 550 Poster Session
Poster Session for STAT 450
When: April 8th, 9:30-11:30
Where: ESB Atrium
Come and see what the students of Stat 450 and 550 have been up to this semester!

Robert Tibshirani, Constance van Eden Invited Speaker
Robert Tibshirani is a Professor in the Departments of Statistics and Health Research and Policy
at Stanford University, internationally known for his work in data mining and applied statistics.

Andy Leung receives 2013/2014 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Statistics PhD candidate Andy Leung, has received a 2013/14 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award for his valued contributions to the teaching and learning mission of UBC. This is a very big honour - only 5 are awarded in all of the Faculty of Science. Thank you, Andy, on behalf of the Department - of the graduate students you have mentored, of the undergraduates in

Acadia-SFU-UBC Team Receives CANSSI Grant 2014 - 2017
The Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) has awarded a Collaborative Research Team grant to the Acadia-SFU-UBC project "Statistical modeling of the world: Computer and physical models in earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences". The UBC component on atmospheric sciences involves Professors Will Welch in Statistics and Douw Steyn in the Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atm

Constance van Eeden Invited Speaker Professor Rob Tibshirani's lecture now available on Mathtube
Rob Tibshirani’s April 10 Constance van Eeden talk is now available on Mathtube:

Statistics in Action: A Canadian Outlook
Statistics faculty Professors Paul Gustafson and Will Welch and Adjunct Professor Nathaniel Newlands each contribute a chapter to the newly published book Statistics in Action: A Canadian Outlook, from the Statistical Society of Canada and the CRC Press. To celebrate the International Year of Statistics, the book summarizes important developments in statistical science.