Call for nominations for the Department of Statistics Award in Data Science for Academic Year 2022-23
The Department of Statistics is soliciting nominations for the Department of Statistics Award in Data Science, an award to recognize the importance of developing and applying tools to answer important questions through the analysis of data.

Free Statistical Consultation: 2022/23
The Statistics Department offers several types of free statistical consultation, via STAT 450/550, SOS and STAT 551 as follows:

Professor Jiahua Chen elected as fellow of the prestigious Royal Society of Canada
UBC Statistics Professor Jiahua Chen has been named a new Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC), Canada’s highest academic honour. Founded in 1882, the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) comprises the Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences, and The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. It recognizes excellence, advises the government and the larger society, and promotes a culture of knowledge and innovation in Canada and with other national academies around the world.

Professor Daniel J. McDonald’s talk in the Data Science Applied Research and Education Seminar (ARES) series
Data Science Applied Research and Education Seminar (ARES) collaborated between the Department of Statistical Sciences at University of Toronto and CANSSI Ontario is a new speaker series that showcases opportunities in all realms of society for Data Science. And our faculty member Daniel J. McDonald is one of the speakers in the series!

Welcoming our three new faculty members
UBC Statistics announces the appointment of three new tenured/tenure track faculty – Lucy Gao, Joel Östblom, and Geoff Pleiss.
Lucy began an Assistant Professor position with us on July 1, 2022.
Joel joined us on August 23, 2022 in an Assistant Professor of Teaching position with a primary focus on the Master of Data Science (MDS) program.
And Geoff will begin his role as an Assistant Professor in the area of statistical machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) on July 1, 2023.

Recipients of the 2022 Dr. John and Barbara Petkau Scholarship
This year’s recipients of the Dr. John and Barbara Petkau Scholarships are Chenyue Qian and Yujie Chen.

Free Statistical Consultation: 2022/23
The Statistics Department offers several types of free statistical consultation, via STAT 551, SOS and STAT 450/550, as follows:

PhD Student Evan Sidrow receives the 2021 Rick White Award
Congratulation to Evan Sidrow, the recipient of the Rick White Award for the UBC academic year 2021.

Ruijie (Richard) Hou receives Nash Medal
The Nash Medal in Statistics was awarded this academic year to Ruijie (Richard) Hou, who graduates with a combined honours degree in Statistics and Computer Science. Richard has taken many challenging courses, all with very high grades. He has also expanded his skill set by taking the project-based capstone STAT 450 and by working as a co-op student. His co-op work involved application of deep learning in computer vision.

Jonathan Agyeman awarded Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Statistics PhD candidate Jonathan Agyeman has been awarded the prestigious Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award for 2021/2022.