T. Brus: "A Recurrence Formula for the Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic", Dec/86.
T. Brus: "A Recurrence Formula for the Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic", Dec/86.
T. Brus: "Aggregate Decision Making in Face of Conflict", Dec/86.
H. Ma, H. Joe & J.V. Zidek: "A Bayesian Nonparametric Univariate Smoothing Method, with Applications to Acid Rain Data Analysis", Nov/86.
H.W. Ma: "Survey of Selected Nonparametric Smoothing Methods", Nov/86.
H. Joe: "Estimation of a Functional of a Multivariate Density", Sept/86.
A.J. Petkau & R. R. Sitter: "Models for Quantal Response Experiments Over Time", Sept/86.
J. V. Zidek: "Statistician: The Quest for a Curriculum", Sept/86.
N.E. Heckman: "Minimax Estimates in a Semiparametric Model", Aug/86.