R. H. Zamar: "Robust Estimation in the Errors in Variables Model", Dec/87.
R. H. Zamar: "Robust Estimation in the Errors in Variables Model", Dec/87.
J. Liu: "A Class of Bilinear Time Series with Infinite Variance", Oct/87.
N.Heckman, P. Crockett & R. Keener: "A Minimum Chi-Square Approach to Density Estimation", Sept/87.
H. Joe: "Majorization and Divergence, with Applications to Probability and Statistics", July/87.
H. Joe: "Constrained Majorization and the Maximum Entropy Principle", June/87.
M. Delampady: "A Robustness Analysis: Credible Regions and Hypothesis Test for Elliptical Distributions", May/87.
M. Delampady: "Estimating a Monotone Regression Function", May/87.
M. Delampady & J. Berger: "Lower Bounds on Bayes Factors for Multinomial and Chi-Squared Tests of Fit", Feb/87.
H. Joe: "Entropy and Dependence for Multivariate Data", Jan/87.