A. DasGupta & M. Delampady: "G-Minimax Estimation of Vector Parameters in Restricted Parameter Spaces", Aug/90.
A. DasGupta & M. Delampady: "G-Minimax Estimation of Vector Parameters in Restricted Parameter Spaces", Aug/90.
A. DasGupta & M. Delampady: "Bayesian Hypothesis Testing with Symmetric and Unimodal Priors", Aug/90.
V. Yohai & R.H. Zamar: "Minimax Residual Admissible Estimates of Regression", July/90.
C. Gu: "A Note on Cross-Validating Non Gaussian Data", June/90.
H. Joe & J. S. Verducci: "On the Babington-Smith Class of Models for Rankings", June/90.
M.S. Nikulin & P.E. Greenwood: "A Guide to Chi-Squared Testing", June/90.
C. Gu: "Interaction Splines with Regular Data: Automatically Smoothing Digital Images", May/90.
C. Gu: "Diagnostics for Nonparametric Additive Models", Apr/90.
J. Liu: "Moment Estimation and Order Determination of Some Bilinear Time Series Models", Apr/90.