Technical Reports Archive

Report Year Description Report file
113 1991 N.D. Le & J.V. Zidek: "Interpolation with Uncertain Spatial Covariances: A Bayesian Alternative to Kriging", Nov/91. 
112 1991 R. Fraiman & J. Meloche: "Counting Bumps", Oct/91. 
111 1991 M. Delampady, I. Yee, J.V. Zidek: "Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of a Discrete Time Series of Poisson Counts", Oct/91. 
110 1991 M. Delampady, I. Yee, J.V. Zidek: "A Smoothness-Prior Model for Discrete Time Series", Oct/91. 
109 1991 J. Liu, S. Wu, J.V. Zidek: "On Segmented Multivariate Regressions", Oct/91. 
108 1991 H. Joe: "Estimation of the Extremal Index Function and the Distribution of the Maximum of a Stationary Dependent Sequence", Oct/91. 
107 1991 J. Leslie & C. van Eeden On a Characterization of the Exponential Distribution: "On a Characterization of the Exponential Distribution", June/91. 
106 1991 J.V. Zidek & S. Weerahandi: "Bayesian Predictive Inference for Samples from Smooth Processes", Mar/91. (.pdf) 
105 1991 J.V. Zidek & S. Weerahandi: "Approximate Bayes Linear Smoothers for Continuous Processes", Feb/91. (.pdf) 
104 1991 H. Joe & J. Verducci: "Multivariate Majorization Orderings for Distributions of Several Resources", Feb/91. 
103 1991 H. Joe: "Parametric Families of Multivariate Distributions with Given Margins", Feb/91. 
102 1991 H. Joe: "Multivariate Dependence Measures and Data Analysis", Feb/91. 
101 1991 A. Charras & C. van Eeden: "Inadmissibility for Squared Error Loss of the MLE of a Left Truncated Mean of an Exponential Distribution", Feb/91. 
100 1991 B. Li & R. H. Zamar: "M-estimates of Regression When Scale is Unknown and the Error Distribution is Possibly Asymmetric: A Minimax Result", Jan/91. 
99 1990 A. DasGupta & M. Delampady: "G-Minimax Estimation of Vector Parameters in Restricted Parameter Spaces", Aug/90. 
98 1990 A. DasGupta & M. Delampady: "Bayesian Hypothesis Testing with Symmetric and Unimodal Priors", Aug/90. 
97 1990 V. Yohai & R.H. Zamar: "Minimax Residual Admissible Estimates of Regression", July/90. 
96 1990 C. Gu: "A Note on Cross-Validating Non Gaussian Data", June/90. 
95 1990 H. Joe & J. S. Verducci: "On the Babington-Smith Class of Models for Rankings", June/90. 
94 1990 M.S. Nikulin & P.E. Greenwood: "A Guide to Chi-Squared Testing", June/90.