S. Weerahandi & J.V. Zidek: "Smoothing Locally Smooth Processes by Bayesian Nonparametric Methods", Dec/85.
S. Weerahandi & J.V. Zidek: "Smoothing Locally Smooth Processes by Bayesian Nonparametric Methods", Dec/85.
E. Foufoula-Georgiou & P. Guttorp: "Compatibility of Continuous Rainfall Occurrence Models with Discrete Rainfall Observations", Nov/85.
N.Reid & D.R. Cox: "Approximations to Noncentral Distributions", Oct/85.
H. Joe: "Estimation of Quantiles of the Maximum of N Observations", Oct/85.
G. R. Ducharme: "Asymptotic Properties of the Multivariate Median of an Elliptical Distribution", Oct/85.
G. R. Ducharme & P. Milasevic: "Some Asymptotic Properties of the Circular Median", Oct/85.
D. N. Le & A.J. Petkau: "An Attempted Validation of the Eynon-Switzer Model for the Variability of Rainfall Activity", Sept/85.
R. Gentleman, J.V. Zidek & A.R. Olsen: "MAP3S/PCN Acid Rain Precipitation Monitoring Data Base", Aug/85.
S. P. Millard & P. Guttorp: "Hypothesis Tests for Regression Models with Autocorrelated Errors", Aug/85.