Technical Reports Archive

Report Year Description Report file
33 1986 S. Weerahandi & J.V. Zidek: "Analysis of Multiple Time Series by Bayesian and Empirical Bayesian Nonparametric Methods", June/86. 
32 1986 N.N.Lyashenko & M.S. Nikulin: "Computer and Some Statistical Inference", May/86. 
31 1986 J. Berkowitz: "Bounding the Significance Level of the Chi-Squared Approximation for Log Likelihood Ratio Tests", Apr/86. 
30 1986 N.E. Heckman: "Spline Smoothing in a Partly Linear Model", Mar/86. 
29 1986 C. Genest, S. Weerahandi, & J.V. Zidek: "Likelihood Dominance and Group Belief Formation", Feb/86. 
28 1986 D. Edelman: "Improved Bounds for a Nonparametric t-Table", Jan/86. 
27 1986 T. Brus: "Energy Models in Elicitation", Jan/86.
26 1985 S. Weerahandi & J.V. Zidek: "Smoothing Locally Smooth Processes by Bayesian Nonparametric Methods", Dec/85. techreport26Weerahandi85.pdf
25 1985 E. Foufoula-Georgiou & P. Guttorp: "Compatibility of Continuous Rainfall Occurrence Models with Discrete Rainfall Observations", Nov/85. 
24 1985 N.Reid & D.R. Cox: "Approximations to Noncentral Distributions", Oct/85. 
23 1985 H. Joe: "Estimation of Quantiles of the Maximum of N Observations", Oct/85. 
22 1985 G. R. Ducharme: "Asymptotic Properties of the Multivariate Median of an Elliptical Distribution", Oct/85. 
21 1985 G. R. Ducharme & P. Milasevic: "Some Asymptotic Properties of the Circular Median", Oct/85. 
20 1985 D. N. Le & A.J. Petkau: "An Attempted Validation of the Eynon-Switzer Model for the Variability of Rainfall Activity", Sept/85.
19 1985 R. Gentleman, J.V. Zidek & A.R. Olsen: "MAP3S/PCN Acid Rain Precipitation Monitoring Data Base", Aug/85. techreport19gentleman.pdf
18 1985 S. P. Millard & P. Guttorp: "Hypothesis Tests for Regression Models with Autocorrelated Errors", Aug/85. 
17 1985 A.J. Petkau: "Truncated Sequential Medical Trials Involving Paired Data", Aug/85. 
16 1985 J. Morita: "A Series of Rank Statistics for Matched Triples Survival Data", July/85. 
15 1985 D.R. Cox & N.Reid: "Parameter Orthogonality & Approximate Conditional Inference", July/85. 
14 1985 P. Guttorp & D. Hopkins: "On Estimating Varying b-values", June/85.