Yongliang Zhai, Nancy Heckman, Conroy Lum, Ciprian Pirvu, Lang Wu, James V Zidek: "Stochastic models for the effects of duration of load on lumber properties", Dec 2012.
Yongliang Zhai, Nancy Heckman, Conroy Lum, Ciprian Pirvu, Lang Wu, James V Zidek: "Stochastic models for the effects of duration of load on lumber properties", Dec 2012.
Yongliang Zhai, Ciprian Pirvu, Nancy Heckman, Conroy Lum, Lang Wu, James V Zidek: "A review of dynamic duration of load models for lumber strength", Nov 2012.
Yan Cheng, Lang Wu, Conroy Lum, James V Zidek, Xiaoli Yu: "Wood Property Relationships and Survival", Nov 2012.
Gavin Shaddick, James V Zidek: "Unbiasing estimates from preferentially sampled spatial data", Sep 2012.
Gavin Shaddick, James V Zidek: "Preferential sampling in long term monitoring of air pollution: a case study", Sep 2012.