Technical Reports Archive

Report Year Description Report file
213 2005 Howard Chang, Audrey Qiuyan, Nhu Le, James V Zidek: "Designing Environmental Monitoring Networks for Measuring Extremes", March 26, 2005. 213.pdf
212 2003 M. Stone, A. P. Dawid, J. V. Zidek: "Paradox, simple inconsistency, or serious pathology? Comment on 'Conditioning as disintegration' by Chang & Pollard", 2003.  212.pdf
211 2003 Xiaogang Wang and James V. Zidek: "Selecting likelihood weights by cross-validation", 2003.  211.pdf
210 2003 Malay Ghosh, James V. Zidek, Tapabrata Maiti and Rick White: "Weighted Likelihoods for the NEF-QVF Family with Application", 2003.  210.pdf
209 2003 Audrey Fu, Nhu D Le, and James V. Zidek: "A Statistical Characterization of a Simulated Canadian Annual Maximum Rainfall Field", 2003.  209.pdf
208 2003 Feifang Hu and James V. Zidek: "Forecasting NBA Basketball Playoff Outcomes Using the Weighted Likelihood", 2003. 208.pdf
207 2003 Xiaogan Wang and James V. Zidek: "Derivation of Mixture Distributions and Weighted Likelihood Function", 2003.  207.pdf
206 2003 Constance van Eeden and Jim Zidek: "Uncertainty, Entropy, Variance and the Effect of Partial Information", 2003.  206.pdf
205 2003 James V. Zidek, Jean Meloche, Gavin Shaddick, Chris Chatfield and Rick White: "A Computational Model for Estimating Personal Exposure to Air Pollutants with Application to London's PM 10 in 1997", March 13, 2003.  205.pdf
204 2003 Nhu D Le, Li Sun and James V. Zidek: "Designing Networks for Monitoring Multivariate Environmental Fields Using Data With A Monotone Pattern", May 23, 2003.  204.pdf
203 2003 Paul Gustafson: "On Model Expansion, Model Contraction, Identifiability, and Prior Information: Two Illustrative Scenarios involving Mismeasured Variables", May 2002.  203.pdf
202 2002 Paul Gustafson: "On the Simultaneous Effects of Model Misspecification and Errors-in-Variables", May 2002.  202.pdf
201 2002 Xiaogang Wang, Constance van Eeden and James V. Zidek: "Technical Report on Weighted Likelihood Estimation and Asymptotic Properties of Maximum Weighted Likelihood Estimators", April 2002.
200 2001 Lang Wu: "Simultaneous Inference for Longitudinal Data with Detection Limits and Covariates Measured with Errors, with Application to AIDS Studies", December 2001.
199 2001 Michael D. Perlman and Lang Wu: "On the Validity of the Likelihood Ratio and Maximum Likelihood Methods", November 2001.
198 2001 Lang Wu and Peter B. Gilbert: "Flexible Weighted Log-Rank Tests Optimal for Detecting Early and/or Late Survival Differences", July 2001.
197 2000 Peter Hall and Nancy E. Heckman: "Estimating and Depicting the Structure of a Distribution of Random Functions", July 2000. 
196 2000 Constance van Eeden and James V. Zidek: "Combining the Data from Two Normal Populations to Estimate the Mean of One When Their Means Difference is Bounded", December 2000. 
195 2000 Irene Gijbels and Nancy Heckman: "Nonparametric Testing For a Monotone Hazard Function via Normalized Spacings", November 2000.
194 2000 Ruben H. Zamar and Jorge G. Adrover: "Bias Robustness of Three Median-Based Regression Estimates", February 2000.