Technical Reports Archive

Report Year Description Report file
236 2007 Francois Caron, Raphael Gottardo and Arnaud Doucet: "On-line Changepoint Detection and Parameter Estimation for Genome-wide Transcript Analysis", November 2007.  236.pdf
235 2007 Nancy Heckman and Wei Wang: "Linear mixed models for measurement error in functional regression", November 2007. 235.pdf
234 2007 Wei Wang: "Identifiability in linear mixed effects models", November 2007.  234.pdf
233 2007 Zhong Liu, Nhu D. Le, James V. Zidek: "An Appraisal of Bayesian Melding for Physical-Statistical Modeling", August, 2007.  233.pdf
232 2007 Zhong Liu, Nhu D. Le, James V. Zidek: "Calibrating Deterministic Modeling Output With Application Of Ozone Fields", July, 2007.  232.pdf
231 2007 Paul Gustafson, Natalie Thompson, and Nando de Freitas: "Bayesian Variable Selection for Semi-Supervised Learning, with Application to Object Recognition", July, 2007. 231.pdf
230 2007 Béla Nagy, Jason L. Loeppky, and William J. Welch: "Fast Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Process Models", June, 2007.  230.pdf
229 2007 Béla Nagy, Jason L. Loeppky, and William J. Welch: "Correlation parameterization in random function models to improve normal approximation of the likelihood or posterior", June, 2007.  229.pdf
228 2007 Yiping Dou, Nhu D Le, James V Zidek: "A Dynamic Linear Model for Hourly Ozone Concentrations", March, 2007.  228.pdf
227 2007 Yuzo Maruyama: "An admissibility proof using an adaptive sequence of smoother proper priors approaching the target Improper prior", January, 2007.  227.pdf
223 2006 Yiping Dou and Constance van Eeden: "Comparisons of the Performances of Estimators of a Bounded Normal Mean Under Squared-Error Loss", July 2006. 223.pdf
222 2006 Isabella Ghement and Nancy Heckman: "Inference in Partially Linear Models with Correlated Errors", May 2006.  222.pdf
221 2006 Jason L. Loeppky, Derek Bingham and William J. Welch: "Computer Model Calibration or Tuning in Practice", May 2006.  221.pdf
220 2006 Yan Yuan, Hugh A. Chipman and William J. Welch: "Harvesting Classification Trees for Drug Discovery", May 2006. 220.pdf
219 2006 Sohrab P. Shah, Xiang Xuan, Ron DeLeeuw, Mehrnoush Khojasteh, Wan Lam, Raymong Ng, Kevin Murphy: "Integrating copy number polymorphisms into array CGH analysis using a robust HMM", March 2006.  219.pdf
218 2006 Isabella Ghement, Marcelo Ruiz and Ruben Zamar: "Robust Estimation of Error Scale in Nonparametric Regression Models", March 2006. 218.pdf
217 2006 Isabella R. Ghement, Nancy E. Heckman and A. John Petkau: "Seasonal Confounding and Residual Correlation in Analyses of Health Effects of Air Pollution", March, 2006.  217.pdf
216 2006 Nancy E. Heckman: "The theory and application of penalized least squares methods or reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces made easy.", February 21, 2006.  216.pdf
215 2005 Constance van Eeden and James V. Zidek: "Multi-Agent Predictors of an Exponential Interevent Time", November 30, 2005.  215.pdf
214 2005 Xiaogang Wang, Weiliang Qiu and Ruben H. Zamar: "An Iterative Non-parametric Clustering Algorithm Based on Local Shrinking", August 25, 2005.  214.pdf