Technical Reports Archive

Report Year Description Report file
276 2016 Yanling Cai, Jing Cai, Jessica Chen, Shirin Golchi, Meijiao Guan, Mohammad E. Karim, Yang Liu, Jabed Tomal, Chao Xiong, Yongliang Zhai, Conroy Lum, William J. Welch, James V. Zidek: "An empirical experiment to assess the relationship between the tensile and bending strengths of lumber", Mar 2016.  276.pdf
275 2015 Nathaniel K. Newlands and David Stephens: "Increasing Confidence in Agricultural Crop Forecasts and Climate Adaptation Decisions with Causality Analysis", Mar 2015.  275.pdf
274 2015 Reza Hosseini, Nathaniel K. Newlands, Charmaine B. Dean, and Akimichi Takemura: "Statistical modeling of soil moisture, integrating satellite remote-sensing (SAR) and ground-based data", Jan 2015.  274.pdf
273 2013 Yumi Kondo and James V Zidek: "Bayesian nonparametric subset selection procedures with Weibull components", May 2013.  273.pdf
272 2013 Brad Jianhe Wang, Hongbin Zhang, Lang Wu, Suyong Huang, James V Zidek, Jianxiong Lu: "Property Modeling of Changbai Larch Veneers in Relation to Stand and Tree Variables", Mar 2013. 272.pdf
271 2012 Yongliang Zhai, Nancy Heckman, Conroy Lum, Ciprian Pirvu, Lang Wu, James V Zidek: "Stochastic models for the effects of duration of load on lumber properties", Dec 2012. 271.pdf
270 2012 Yongliang Zhai, Ciprian Pirvu, Nancy Heckman, Conroy Lum, Lang Wu, James V Zidek: "A review of dynamic duration of load models for lumber strength", Nov 2012. 270.pdf
269 2012 Yan Cheng, Lang Wu, Conroy Lum, James V Zidek, Xiaoli Yu: "Wood Property Relationships and Survival", Nov 2012.  269.pdf
268 2012 Gavin Shaddick, James V Zidek: "Unbiasing estimates from preferentially sampled spatial data", Sep 2012.  268.pdf
267 2012 Gavin Shaddick, James V Zidek: "Preferential sampling in long term monitoring of air pollution: a case study", Sep 2012.  267.pdf
266 2012 Reza Hosseini, Nhu Le, Jim V. Zidek: "Time-varying Markov models for dichotomized temperature series", Jan 2012.  266.pdf
265 2011 Paul Gustafson: "Bayesian Inference in Partially Identified Models: Is the Shape of the Posterior Density Useful?", Sep 2011.  265.pdf
264 2011 Paul Gustafson: "On the Behaviour of Bayesian Credible Intervals in Partially Identified Models", Sep 2011. 264.pdf
263 2011 Constance van Eeden, James V Zidek: "Subset Selection - Extending Rizvi-Sobel", Feb 2011.  263.pdf
262 2010 Reza Hosseini: "An invariant loss function for quantile approximation, estimation and summarizing data”", Dec 2010.  262.pdf
261 2010 Constance van Eeden: "CORRECTION TO: Rizvi-Sobel Subset Selection with Unequal Sample Sizes (TR #253)", Dec 2010.  261.pdf
260 2010 Song Cai, James V Zidek, Nathaniel K Newlands: "Predicting Phenological Events Using Event-History Analysis", Sep 2010.  260.pdf
259 2010 Song Cai, James V Zidek, Nathaniel K Newlands: "Predicting Sequences of Progressive Events Times with Time-Dependent Covariates", Sep 2010. 259.pdf
258 2010 Luke Bornn, James V Zidek: "Efficient Stabilization of Crop Yield Prediction in the Canadian Prairies", Apr 2010. 258.pdf
257 2010 Reza Hosseini, Nhu D Le, James V Zidek: "Model selection for the binary dichotomized temperature processes", Apr 2010.  257.pdf